Children’s tour

This tour will introduce children to the world’s largest computer museum. Interactive displays and visual material help young visitors to experience exhibit contents. For instance, clay slabs, papyrus and wax tablets are used to show children how people wrote in antiquity. Pigment powder, parchment and quills illustrate the types of instruments that were used for writing purposes in the Middle Ages. A counting house from the Renaissance gives visitors an impression of what a supermarket used to be like. The ENIAC shows children just how big the first vacuum-tube computer was.

Children can play an active role and try things out at many of the stations during the tour: they can use a printing press to stamp things, type on an old typewriter, try out a rotary-dial telephone and compose at a compiler.

General information

Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Languages: on request
Cost: € 45 plus admission charge (from 27 August 2024 € 50 plus admission charge)
Group size: max. 16 persons

Advance notification is required for all tours.

Please book at least four weeks in advance.

For the rest, we refer to the GTC of the HNF.

Phone registration: +49-5251/306-660
E-mail: service(at)