The power of material: Cutting-edge sport through cutting-edge technology

Those seeking to achieve optimum performance are dependent on high tech in many sporting disciplines. Scientists are constantly striving to enhance the materials used, whether clothing, shoes or boats. The spotlight was not only on Michael Phelps when he set those records at the Olympic Games in Beijing – his LZR Racer swimsuit also attracted considerable attention. A swimsuit of this type is on show alongside the canoe of Olympic champion Thomas Schmidt. The precise tailoring of sports equipment to an individual athlete is shown in the case of a luge. Visitors can find out which position generates the least aerodynamic resistance as they test this equipment in a simulated wind tunnel. It’s not just professional sportsmen who benefit from such innovations; they are also used successfully by amateur athletes.

Major exhibits:

  • Canoe
  • Racing bike
  • Hand bike
  • Pole vaulter’s pole
  • LZR Racer bodyskin